Well, here we are– 15 years into Postock. I’m very excited to announce the Postock 2022 lineup and launch our tickets/donations for this year. I’d like to note a few things right off the bat:
Tickets– We are limiting the number of Postock tickets available. The farm can only hold so many people/vehicles/hungry mouths so please buy your ticket ahead of time because they will go and it really helps us out with planning. Tickets help us cover the hard costs of the festival, pay artists as fairly as possible, and support our featured organization this year— The Chicago Abortion Fund. If you are an artist who has participated in the festival in the past, or an artist who has faced economic hardship recently and would like to inquire about our sliding scale pricing option, please email
Volunteering– people ask if they can volunteer at the festival all the time and the answer is ABSOLUTELY. Postock has been a volunteer run festival for the past 15 years. This year, we would like to urge everyone who attends Postock to volunteer for a little bit– in the kitchen, doing dishes, cleaning up around the farm, sorting trash, managing parking. We will have an online sign-up form or you can sign up when you arrive at Postock and check in. Volunteering does not mean you get a discount on your ticket. We have a very limited number of discounted tickets for artists who have played or worked on the festival in the past, but $160 for a weekend of camping, music, prairie, meals, and beer is quite a deal. Sign-up for a volunteer shift in advance here: VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP FORM
Dogs– we love them! So we are opening applications for 10 dogs to attend the festival this year. We are urging only dogs that are non-reactive and human/other dog friendly. We will ask that owners keep their dogs leashed around crowds of people and if your dog is being aggressive we reserve the right to ask you to remove your dog from the farm or muzzle and leash the dog. To apply to bring your pup to Postock, please fill out this form: POSTOCK DOG APPLICATION
Cars– we strongly recommend carpooling. If you need help finding a ride email and we may be able to help if we know of seats in cars coming up from Chicago. Large trailers/RVs/airstreams are not welcome, they will not fit down the driveway and will damage Postock earth.
Thank you for reading and looking forward to seeing your beautiful faces at Postock!