Postock began in 2008 as a graduation party amongst some musical friends from Chicago. The festival takes place on the beautiful family farm of Marina and Roger Post near Albany, WI. Since its inception, it has been a space for musicians, artists, and regular folks to come together and share a really good time. Many bands have graced the stage over the years including The O'Mys, Jamila Woods, White Mystery, The Bambir, Nnamdi Ogbonnaya, Dida Pelled, Kids These Days, Ratboys, Ken Vandermark, Ben Lamar Gay, OHMME, and many, many more.
Over the years, Postock has grown from a one night hang into an entire weekend-long festival. With delicious home-cooked meals, two-stages of music going all night, art installations, nature walks, Spotted-Cow Kegs, printmaking workshops, and more, it has gained a reputation to be an extreme "high-point" of the summer for many recurring attendees.